Blended vision is an eye treatment for several eye conditions. When we are young the eye lens is soft and flexible, allowing it to change shape as needed to focus on near or far images. The eye lens begins to lose elasticity over time, meaning it cannot bend as easily for focusing. This loss of changing focus is called presbyopia.
Presbyopia is a naturally occurring condition that is a consequence of aging, which is why many people begin to need reading glasses, trifocals, and bifocals at older ages.
Blended vision procedures are similar to traditional monovision procedures because one eye is corrected for distance and the other is corrected for nearsightedness. The difference between the two is that blended vision is a milder correction and is more of a compromise.
For instance, the one eye corrected for distance and the other eye is corrected to be nearsighted with an intermediate focus, as opposed to a very near focus. Blended vision creates different focus zones in each eye, giving patients a greater depth of field.
Because there is less of a contrast in each eye, blended vision is easier to adapt to than monovision. About 95% of people are candidates for the blended vision, whereas only 50% of people are candidates for traditional monovision.
Before the procedure, your doctor will examine both eyes to make sure they are healthy enough for surgery. If you are a candidate for blended vision LASIK or laser vision correction surgery, both eyes will be treated in one procedure. No trial with contact lenses is necessary because the corrections are well tolerated and each eye retains near and distance focusing.
The blended vision LASIK procedure is similar to other corneal refractive surgeries.
The entire procedure takes about 20 minutes for both eyes, and patients should feel minimal pain due to the topical anesthetic.
The overall visual outcome is similar when compared to the results from LASIK; however, instead of adjusting the shape of the cornea we will replace the natural lens within the eye that is clouded from cataracts with a new clear lens. Your dominant eye is typically your distance vision and your non-dominant eye is your intermediate vision. With cataract surgery, we will correct one eye at a time and they usually take place two weeks apart.
The blended vision LASIK and cataract surgeries are outpatient procedures, so patients go right home after surgery. Drops will need to be applied to prevent infection and promote healing. Rest is recommended after surgery because the eyes may feel mildly irritated and sensitive to light.
The eye heals itself within a few hours, but precautions should be taken during the week after surgery. You should avoid heavy lifting, wear protective glasses while sleeping and outside, and avoid touching or rubbing the eyes.
Visual recovery is fast and most people can read newspaper print or smaller fonts almost immediately. In some cases, reading glasses may be needed for very fine print. After a postoperative check the day after surgery, most people can return to work and other normal activities.
It is important that you schedule a consultation with a board-certified eye surgeon if you are interested in blended vision. Come to one of our six convenient Atlanta-area locations.
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