Hello, and warmest wishes from the Milan Eye Center team. We hope this holiday season finds you comfy, cozy, happy, and well. We also hope that you have visited your favorite eye doctors over the past year for your annual examination.
Speaking of your eyes, we thought it would be a good idea to give you the “eye-lights” from this past year. 2015 has been one of growth for our practice, which has benefited greatly from the addition of doctors Samir Vira and Cameron Johnson.
We have also continued to achieve our goals of providing exceptional patient care with the addition of the Best Eye Clinic Award, which we received from Best Self Magazine. From Milan Eye Center’s conception, it has always been our goal to provide patients with the best medical care, while at the same time providing each and every patient with exceptional patient service. We take great pride in our practice, and truly appreciate all the reviews and comments that you provide, which affirm the fact that we are reaching those goals.
It’s not all work and no play at Milan Eye Center, though. We have enjoyed a lot of bonding time with our patients and each other. From running in the Emory Johns Creek 5K and Scrub Run to help benefit our community to cutting a rug at our company’s year-end party, it has been anything but all work and no play.
In fact, we would venture to say that it was quite the opposite. We hope that in the upcoming year we continue this vein of fun. We also hope that we can exceed your expectations about our practice, and continue to give back to our community – and to each of you! Lastly, we hope to always be your go-to for eye care in the upcoming year.
Best Wishes for the New Year!
The Milan Eye Center Family