“EVO ICL lens has helped me to live life to the fullest with no more hesitation. I simply wake up and go about my day.”

– Joe Jonas

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What is EVO ICL lens?

The Implantable Collamer Lens , also known as an Implantable Contact Lens, EVO ICL, or just-ICL is a posterior chamber implant that is introduced through a small incision in the eye and is placed behind the iris (the colored part of the eye), and in front of the natural crystalline lens in order to improve your nearsightedness and astigmatism.

EVO ICL Procedure

What to Expect

The EVO ICL implant is made of biocompatible Collamer material that works in harmony with your eye. Your eye doctor will create a small opening in your cornea that will be used to insert and position the EVO ICL. For most patients, the procedure is virtually painless with numbing drops and it typically takes less than 20 – 30 minutes. Patients typically experience improved vision right away and a quick recovery time.

Easy 20-30 Minute Surgical Procedure

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Benefits of the EVO ICL Procedure

Extensive research and development preceded the introduction of the ICL, which was now over 20 years ago. It is now improving vision in more than 2,000,000 eyes worldwide. The satisfaction rate among patients is extremely high – above 99%. Some of the key benefits of the ICL include:

  • Provides clear, sharp vision
  • 20 to 30-minute procedure
  • Quick recovery time
  • Never needs to be replaced unless there is a change in vision quality
  • Removeable by your doctor
  • Offers UV protection
  • Can treat nearsightedness with or without astigmatism
  • Available for patients who may not be candidates for LASIK or other vision correction procedures due to thin corneas
  • Does not cause dry eye syndrome
  • Excellent vision both day and night
  • Not visible once in place
  • Over 2 million ICLs have been distributed worldwide
  • 99.4% of patients surveyed would have the EVO lens procedure again/

Learn More About Joe Jonas’ EVO ICL Experience on Good Morning America

Who is a Good Candidate for the Implantable Contact Lens Procedure?

ICLs act in the same way that traditional contact lenses do. They are a good option for people with myopia (nearsightedness) and astigmatism. Also, those that have been told they are not a candidate for laser vision correction, like LASIK or PRK, due to high prescriptions or thin corneas may still be a candidate for the ICL procedure.

ICL can achieve results as good or better than LASIK or PRK, but unlike LASIK, the ICL is implanted inside the eye.  ICL does not treat hyperopia (farsightedness). ICLs are removable so they do not hinder any future eye surgeries (should they be needed).

Ideal candidates for ICL implants:

  • Are between the ages of 21 and 45
  • Have myopia (nearsightedness) with or without astigmatism
  • Are not pregnant or within 6 months post-pregnancy
  • Are not candidates for LASIK (have dry eyes, severe myopia, or a thin cornea)
  • Have a stable eye prescription (no changes within the last year)
  • Do not have a history of eye disease

If you are a candidate for an ICL implant, our ophthalmologists may ask you to discontinue use of contact lenses for at least 2 weeks prior to your procedure. This allows your eye prescription to be read accurately so that a proper implant is calculated before surgery.

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Visian ICL Procedure vs. EVO ICL Lens – What to Expect

The Visian ICL was the predecessor to the EVO ICL. The main difference between the two is that the EVO ICL lens has a central hole, making it more modifiable. This allows more patients to qualify than with a Visian ICL lens. 


Implantable Collamer Lens Recovery

The ICL procedure is very quick, but someone will need to drive you home after surgery. A post-operative check is needed the day after surgery and many patients can drive themselves to this appointment. It is recommended that patients have someone available in case they are not comfortable driving yet.

While most patients experience minimal discomfort after surgery, individual cases and healing times vary. Immediately after surgery, eyes may feel sensitive, teary, or blurry for a few hours. Minimal discomfort 1-2 days after surgery is normal.

Patients can minimize discomfort by resting with their eyes closed and using prescription drops that are given by our ophthalmologists. Antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, and occasionally pressure lowering medications will promote healing in the eyes. Most patients see optimal results within a week of surgery, and the eye should be completely healed within one month.

Risk of the Implantable Collamer Lens

As mentioned above, it is not uncommon for eyes to be sensitive or for vision to be blurry for the first few hours after an ICL procedure. You will feel some minor discomfort for 1-2 days. In extremely rare cases, infection or bleeding may occur. Taking all medications as prescribed will minimize the chances of these side effects.

Cost and Financing for EVO ICL Lens

The cost of an ICL procedure can vary depending on your personalized treatment plan. Due to the Implantable Collamer Lens procedure being elective, many insurance companies will not cover it. Despite this, ICL patients look forward to spending less in the long run compared to the continued costs of contacts and glasses. To make quality care accessible to everyone, Milan Eye Center offers Healthcare Finance Direct (HFD), the nation’s leading patient payment program. Unlike traditional lenders, HFD approves nearly all applicants regardless of credit score and does not conduct hard credit checks, ensuring no damage to the patient’s credit.  We also accept all FSA/HSA plans.

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